There may be thousands of people out there with the skills and experience to join this most worthy cause but there are many more thousands who aren't cut out for the lifestyle and pressures of conservation work in remote, uncomfortable and often dangerous places.

Tracking See Tracking Manual
Big5Protection currently offers 5 levels of tracking course leading to the advanced instructor level, where the most capable students are given the instructional techniques and confidence-building coaching to become instructors themselves...

Extreme Medicine
Big5Protection has a close working relationship with this unique, UK based organisation. They are universal, medical professionals, with years of clinical experience, used to working in remote and hostile environments. For more information please visit Austere Medical through the below link...

Given the diverse and wide ranging skillsets of our trainers & consultants and the breadth of our experience it will come as no surprise that we are constantly requested to give consultations, advice and opinions to organisations across the military and law enforcement spectrum.
During our operational and training careers we have also accrued a vast network of complimentary subject matter experts whose relationships we cherish and develop, pulling together to enhance our ability to combat wildlife and related crime. This constant two-way flow of knowledge ensures we are regularly refreshed with new ideas, emerging technologies and current procedures. We are broad minded, sometimes alternate in out approach but always able to reach back to many years of experience to ensure no wheels need to be re-invented. If you need a full security review of your organisation, some advice, or just a second opinion we will be pleased to assist…..

Other Training
We are by no means limited to the listed areas of expertise. We can assist organisations or individuals in a host of other subjects related to the fight against wildlife crime. These are some of the areas we are specifically developing for future clients:
Maritime operations – utilizing small boats or canoes for coastal, riverine or delta operations.
Motorcycle Operations – Off-road tactical patrolling or road bike escort and protection duties.
Tactical Law Enforcement – Including Crowd control, Ranger Safety Training, Arrest procedures and Crime Scene management.
Drone operating and Tactics – Small to medium size drones, a much debated subject but new developments coming….
Canine Operations – We are developing concepts with leading experts in this field.
Kit, equipment and technical trails and developments – If you have an idea or need something trialing we can help. We are constantly scoping the market as well as emerging technology or concepts to bring to the front line.
Contact us to chat through your ideas or requirements…..